1 out of 3 Americans suffer from high blood pressure!
Over 10% of Americans have been diagnosed with Diabetes!
- Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in America
- Strokes and Cerebrovascular disease are at an all-time high
- Do you know that your liver produces 75% of the cholesterol in your body? Have you suffered from high cholesterol?
Why am I telling you all of this? Because so many of these deaths could have been avoided with proper diet and lifestyle choices.
Let's look at the healing properties of cinnamon. Cinnamon has been used for centuries for its fragrance, flavor and healing properties.
Cinnamon's health benefits include cognition enhancement, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory effects and the prevention of diabetic complications. Cinnamon has the ability to regulate glucose levels, and it has also been shown to reduce both diastolic and systolic blood pressure. It also has the ability to lower cholesterol.
Adding a simple herb like cinnamon to your diet has the ability to save thousands of lives!
When a client joins my detox and is over-weight, if they struggle with their blood sugar, if they have high cholesterol or if they are worried about their heart in any way, I encourage them to start using cinnamon.
I have them add cinnamon to their 3 day juice cleanse (yep, I even have diabetics join me on a juice cleanse if they promise to follow my instructions so they don't spike their blood sugar). You can take cinnamon capsules, add cinnamon to fruit, grain cereals, or baked goods. Just add it to your diet as often as possible.
My detox was created to decrease inflammation and to heal you from the inside out. I work with people who have all kinds of health problems.
Just this week a lady in my detox said,