Oh Christmas Tree - The Healing Happy Method

Oh Christmas Tree

Doesn't the smell of a Christmas Tree make you want to breathe deeply and pull out all of your Christmas decorations?

Create your own holiday memories each time you use this holiday blend.


Take your 10 mL amber bottle

Add 10 drops of our Christmas Tree blend (3 drops fir, 2 drops orange, 1 drop Nutmeg)

Fill the bottle with fractionated coconut oil

Pop on the roller bottle top

Place the lid firmly on the bottle

Wipe off any drips

Add the label

You can add peppermint and lavender for your own unique holiday bath salts that will allow you to relax and rejuvenate with all of the stress of the holidays.

Roll under your nose or on your wrists for that uplifting holiday smell. This oil not only reminds you of Christmas, but it opens up your airways and allows you to breathe deeper.


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