How To Do a 3 Day Juice Cleanse

Advice from our Expert:

Before You Get Cleansing

Cleansing is about so much more than drinking juice for 3 days. It is more of a journey to reset your body AND your mind. With years of juice cleansing experience, I am here to guide you. Welcome to the Healing Happy Family! You have taken your first step by committing to a 3 day juice cleanse...but what can you expect?

First, prepare for the cleanse by getting off of coffee and caffeine if at all possible.  This will decrease the possibility of headaches. Eating a clean diet for at least a week before can also be greatly beneficial to reduce any herxheimer reactions that may occur. Herxheimer reactions can be anything from low energy, headaches, body aches, big emotions, anxiety, diarrhea, stomach upset and skin irritations.

I also recommend starting the Lower Bowel Formula at least a week before starting the cleanse.  This will help flush out your bowels so the cleansing isn't as intense.

How to Prepare:

We all cleanse for various reasons, but if you are here to reset to change your diet, get off of sugar, or just because you know the value of a seasonal cleanse, you are in the right place. Here are some tips to prepare based on the category you are in:

The doughnut and French fry addict

If you find yourself needing something sweet after each meal, or if you find that you need a salty or sweet snack between meals, you probably have an addiction. Sugar addictions can be gone after only 3 days of cleansing, but I recommend at least 4 days of going off of sugar before the sugar addiction is gone.

I recommend taking a week before your cleanse to increase your raw fruit and vegetable intake. Try replacing sweets for fresh fruit, and salty snacks with raw veggies.  This will help you to get more out of the cleanse.

The Fast Food Junkie

If you eat out more than you cook a full and healthy meal at home, if you grab easy microwaved meals, or if your meals come in a premade package, I suggest that you make the transition easier by starting a whole food (made at home) diet at least  5 days before starting the cleanse.

The Wanna-Be Healthy Splurger

If you do everything you can to stay healthy, but the pizza is always calling your name, or if you tend to over-eat, or "numb out" with ice cream when life gets overwhelming, I recommend sticking to whole foods a few days before your cleanse.

Health Food Junkie-

If you are already eating a clean diet, but you understand the value of of cleansing your body every few months, this cleanse can supercharge your health. If you are wanting a deeper cleanse, try a raw, diet consisting of whole foods, fruits, vegetable, nuts and seeds.

Prepping the week before

For the best results possible try eliminating inflammatory foods at least a week before you cleanse if you find that any of these foods irritate you in any way.

Try eliminating:

  • Dairy
  • Gluten
  • Sugars
  • Animal Products
  • Refined Sugars (honey is okay)
  • Coffee, black tea, soda (caffeine and caffeine free)
  •  Processed foods
  • Tomatoes
  • Dehydrated Fruit
  • Rice and corn
  • Soy and soy products
  • Peanuts

 Foods to eat:

  • Herbal teas and decaffeinated green teas
  • Quinoa and buckwheat (not with wheat or gluten additives)
  • Moderate amounts of potatoes and sweet potatoes
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Sea salt and spices
  • Peas
  • Beans
  • Fish (except shellfish)
  • Moderate amounts of chicken, turkey and lamb
  • Moderate amounts of olive oil, coconut oil and flaxseed oil
  • Unsweetened almond milk
  • Raw nuts (other than peanuts)

*Plan accordingly for the 3 day cleanse.  Your bowels will be flushing, so make sure you have access to a toilet as needed. Think of these 3 days as as a gift to yourself to nourish and heal.


During the Cleanse

You will be drinking so much juice that you won't be hungry, but you may deal with cravings. Make sure you keep your end goal in mind. If your goal is strong enough, you will make it through the 3 days with ease.

What if you don't feel good?

Herxheimer reactions vary depending on the amount of toxins in your body and your ability to handle them. If you start to feel a headache try drinking cayenne and using peppermint. If you have mood swings, try the shower diffuser routine and deep breathing. You can also join our monthly coaching program for additional assistance through cleansing and creating a Healing Happy Lifestyle.


Can I eat any food during the cleanse?

If you feel an excess of hunger, you are able to eat the whole food version of the juice that you are drinking.

Can I exercise during the cleanse?

I do not recommend vigorous exercise during the cleanse. Your body will be using a lot of energy removing toxins, so if you need to exercise, try something like yin yoga or deep breathing.

After the Cleanse

The cleanse is just the first step on your healing journey. If you are ready to go further on your journey of healing, check out my 6 week detox program. 


If you are ready to complete the cleanse and transition into a regular diet, do so slowly.  The first few days after the cleanse should be full of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and lots of water. Try to stay away from all inflammatory foods as you allow your body to slowly adapt to your new lifestyle.

Try to stay in gratitude.  Focus on the present and bringing food into your body with joy.  Thank your body for all the work it has done in helping you heal. 

You can also continue on to the mucusless diet and anti-inflammatory diet that is written up in my book.

If you want to transition back into a "normal" way of eating, consider doing a 3 day juice cleanse every couple of weeks or months as needed.  I recommend cleansing ever season.

If you have more questions, feel free to contact me through email